By accessing and using, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Age Requirement: All individuals seeking marriage on our platform must be 18 years of age or older. This ensures that participants are of legal age to enter into a marriage

Parental Involvement: Parental involvement is mandatory for all parties involved. Both the prospective bride and groom are required to involve their parents in the process of seeking a suitable match.

No Direct Spouse-to-Spouse Connections: Our platform facilitates connections between parents. We do not directly connect potential spouses. This approach emphasizes the importance of family involvement in the process of finding a suitable match.

Accuracy of Information: You are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information during registration. Misrepresentation may lead to account suspension or termination.

Respectful Conduct: Users must interact respectfully with others through the platform. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.

Parental Consent: If you are a parent or guardian seeking a match for your child, you must obtain their consent before proceeding.

Responsibility: Users are responsible for their actions and communications outside the platform. assumes no liability for user interactions or outcomes where platform is not directly involved.

Prohibited Activities: Engaging in fraudulent, malicious, or illegal activities in the name our platform is strictly prohibited.

Modifications: We may update or modify these terms and conditions at any time. Continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.


Zawaj Finder, operates as a platform to connect parents. While we undertake measures to verify user identities, with there ID cards to enhance trust and authenticity; however, we do not guarantee the accuracy or legitimacy of the information provided by users.

We are not liable or responsible for any information exchanged between users. Our verification process is limited to confirming the identities provided and does not guarantee the accuracy, authenticity, or intentions of individuals using this platform.

We explicitly state that we are not responsible for the final outcome of any relationships formed through our platform. Users are advised to exercise caution, conduct their own due diligence, and use their discretion before exchanging personal information or engaging in any interactions with other users.

Furthermore, Zawaj Finder bears no responsibility for the exchange of information, messages, or any communication between users. We do not monitor or control these interactions and cannot be held accountable for their content or consequences.

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that Zawaj Finder is a facilitator and not a party to any relationship or agreement that may arise between users. Users are solely responsible for their interactions and any outcomes resulting from these interactions.